Critical Roll Token — Trade in a safe asset and get a chance to roll the dice as a community.

We learned that alt coins bare fruit to many scammers and rugpullers. Our goal is to provide the community with more tradable safe assets and enhancing it by adding some fun aspects to it. For our first main project we deploy a token that takes 6% and uses it for 2% Redistribution to all holders and 4% burn into Liquidity. 1% of all token will be held onto the Jackpot Wallet and the community gets the chance to roll the dice for it.

Join us on our Telegram Channel We always love to talk with our community =)

🔰 Contract

❌Ownership renounced

❌ LP locked

❌ Whaleproof 1%

For more Information please check out our Homepage



Ulysses Penderghast

Like doing music, video games and architecture. Trading into crypto and building safe tradable options